Hempcrete is a relatively new “better-than-zero-carbon material”. More atmospheric carbon is locked away in the material for the lifetime of the building than was used in its production and use. Hempcrete can be purchased either in its raw components (bales of hemp shiv and a specially-formulated hydraulic lime binder) or as a pre-cast block. Hempcrete is a vapour-permeable material which is hygroscopic; it absorbs moisture from the air when humidity is high (releasing it again when humidity levels drop). These properties are very important, both for the health of the building’s occupants and in order to keep the fabric of the building in good condition.
United Kingdom
Application & typical uses:
A sustainable alternative to concrete blocks, lime mortar, plaster and insulations
Product breakdown:
The product can be cast-on-site or pre-cast mixing lime binder and hemp shiv. Suitable both for new build constructions and renovation of traditional and historic buildings.
Precast block: 500 x 200 Thickness: 80-400mm
Supplier name:
Hempcrete or Hemp-Lime Construct
Supplier address:
Supplier telephone:
0044 1629 343143
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